3/26/2024 Vehicle Fire Stuyvesant Plaza

On Tuesday March 26 at 11:45am, the McKownville Volunteer Fire Department was called to a reported parked vehicle on fire in the parking lot of Stuyvesant Plaza near Jacob & Anthony’s.


The first due fire engine E-57 arrived shortly after thereafter and immediately stretched the front bumper line to attack an engine compartment fire with a heavy smoke condition.

Water was flowing within 90 seconds of arrival, and the fire was quickly knocked down and extinguished without damage to adjacent parked vehicles.

The North Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Department was called as a precautionary measure to provide additional personnel and water.

No injuries were reported, the vehicle was towed away and the scene secured by 1pm.

9/28/22 Mutual Aid Rescue in North Bethlehem

At 5:39pm on Wednesday September 28, 2022, McKownville Fire Department responded to a mutual aid request in North Bethlehem for a car into a garage with possible entrapment on Krumkill Road near the Schoolhouse Road roundabout.